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entry points thumbnail

Entry Points For Digital Financial Services Targeted at Smallholder Farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Available in English and French

Areas of focus
Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship, Data Use and Governance, Digital Ecosystems, Tools, and IoT, Extension Services, Sustainability

Product Type
Best Practices and Case Studies

Introduction and Background

The goal of this case study is to provide a detailed list of considerations in the design and implementation of targeted digital finance. This case study recommends the following prerequisites for identifying entry points for a digital finance tool:

  1. Demand Assessment: To identify levels of Digital Finance Services FS interest, gauge stakeholder financial and digital literacy, and ascertain the market characteristics that will lead to successful implementation.
  2. Financial Services Landscape Assessment: To map out the coverage of formal and informal financial services in rural areas and highlight the associated gaps that impact smallholder farmers
  3. Digital Payments Landscape Assessment: To map out the regulatory environment, technical infrastructure, and potential distribution networks in rural areas.

For more on the findings of the case study, please click on the download button below.

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