Sudan case study thumbnail
Sudan case study thumbnail

Opportunities and Challenges in Scaling the Use of Digital Extension Tools for Rural Farmers in the Republic of Sudan

Available in English and French

Areas of focus
Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship, Capacity Building, Enabling Environment, Extension Services, Gender, Equity and Inclusion, Sustainability

Product Type
Policy, Other resources

Introduction and Background

The IFAD-funded Integrated Agriculture and Marketing Development Project (IAMDP) project is an initiative to provide agricultural information through Short Message Service (SMS) to an estimated 3,000 farmers with a target to reach 24,000 farmers in the Kordofan region of the Republic of Sudan. The assessment identified the following challenges to scaling the digital tool in Sudan:

  • Limited Access to electricity and off-grid energy solutions by farmers
  • Limited access to mobile and internet connectivity by rural farmers
  • Low levels of literacy among rural farmers
  • Low levels of access to smartphones among rural farmers
  • Low data and digital analytical capacity among project and government staff

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